Imagine this: you live a life filled with stuffy noses, frequent sneezes, and persistent itches, and chronic nasal drainage. A tissue box stays by your side, day in, day out. If only you could clear your sinuses.
But wait: you can.
Meet ClariFix, a minimally invasive procedure designed to relieve you from your congested haze.
Interested? Read on to learn more.
What is Chronic Rhinitis?
“Rhinos” means “nose,” while “itis” means “inflammation of.” This combines to “inflammation of the nose.”
“Chronic” indicates a prolonged condition.
More specifically, your nasal mucosa (a fancy term for nasal lining) becomes inflamed since unbalanced nerves signal for unnecessary inflammatory cells resulting in congestion and excess mucous production.
Thus, coughing, sneezing, congestion, and mucus ensue.
Many factors can trigger chronic rhinitis, such as:
- Dust
- Smog
- Chemicals
- Viral infections
- Hot or spicy foods
- Alcohol
- Aspirin
- Ibuprofen
- High blood pressure medication
- Sedatives
- Oral contraceptives
- Antidepressants
- Erectile dysfunction drugs
- Hormone changes or imbalances
- Sleep apnea & acid reflux
Remember to check with a medical professional about any questions or concerns!
What is ClariFix?
The ClariFix procedure uses special cryotherapy, or freezing, techniques to target the irritated nasal lining and respective nerves. Such treatment briefly barricades pathways that nerves use to signal other inflammatory cells. Freezing also soothes inflammation, reducing pain and mucous production.
ClariFix patient reviews show about 80% experiencing long-lasting or semi-permanent relief.
Furthermore, you can expect to leave the doctor’s office within an hour, like many other minimally-invasive ear-nose-and-throat surgeries.
ClariFix reviews also vouch for a painless procedure with lasting results.
What more can you ask for?
ClariFix Effects
The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has approved ClariFix, ascertaining its safety. As such, most patients only need a topical or local anesthesia.
Patients may experience some pressure surrounding their gums or molars alongside a cooling sensation. The procedure itself only takes 5 minutes with minimum discomfort.
You can expect symptoms to improve 2–6 weeks following treatment.
Recovery takes about 1 day with mild side effects. Side effects include:
- Headache
- Brain freeze
- Sensitivity
- Bloody mucous and oozing
- Congestion
Consult a medical professional if any complications arise.
Surgery Preparation
ClariFix remains a quick, painless, office-based procedure, and requires minimal preparation. This ensures maximum effectiveness, safety, and comfort.
The procedure is done in the office under local anesthesia. Many patients return to work after their procedure. There is no significant nasal bleeding after the procedure, and no nasal packing is required.
The office will obtain pre-authorization from your insurance company, ensuring a smooth treatment process.
ClariFix for Rhinitis
Overall, ClariFix offers hope to the millions who suffer from rhinitis across America. It relieves many pressing symptoms through a quick procedure that most insurance companies cover.
Questions? Contact us to learn more or schedule an appointment!