Life Changing
Dr Brian Weeks performs an innovative procedure, Balloon Sinuplasty on big wave surfer Makua Rothman. You can see Makua taking a big breath of air and enjoying the results!
To view the complete video see the first section below:
Balloon Sinuplasty
Big wave surfer Makua Rothman was facing imbalance as one of the symptoms due to blocked nasal and sinus passages. He had suffered from sinusitis for a long time, being rushed to the hospital several times as a young kid. To ensure that he stayed in the best shape while chasing giant waves, Dr. Weeks suggested balloon sinuplasty — a minimally invasive procedure to open up his nasal and breathing passages. This extremely innovative, safe, and effective procedure ensures less bleeding, less pain, and faster recovery.
Clarifix Procedure
Clarifix procedure is an innovative, minimally invasive, and FDA-approved treatment to freeze an inflamed area in the back of the nose that contains the nerves to mucus-producing glands.
Travis Barker
Musician Travis Barker began suffering from an infection in his throat and he was having trouble breathing and could feel a lump in his throat. He was diagnosed with Barrett’s Esophagus — a condition where the cells in the esophagus, the swallowing tube that connects the mouth and the stomach, are damaged by repeated exposure to stomach acid. The condition can cause esophageal cells to start changing to premalignant or precancerous cells due to continuous acid exposure.
Vivaer Nasal Valve Procedure
With the help of the innovative, FDA-approved VIVAER® nasal valve procedure, Dr. Weeks is been able to reshape a patient’s nasal valve area, increasing airflow. This non-invasive treatment involves applying low-temperature, radio frequency energy through an energized stylus to push the walls of the nasal passage apart and seal them to an open position. This is done without any change in appearance of the nose. Recovery time for patients undergoing the procedure is instant, unlike surgery, which could keep a patient sidelined for weeks. The procedure is affordable too, offering a 90-95 percent cost reduction compared to surgery.
Nasal Airway Implants
Narrowing or blocking of the nasal airway is often caused by a collapsed nasal wall or a deviated septum. To treat this problematic condition, nasal implants are used as an innovative and minimally-invasive technology to give support to the nasal cartilages and lateral nasal wall.
In this video from “The Doctor’s TV Show”, Dr. Weeks puts nasal airway implants into his patient Todd’s nose, who has been suffering from nasal valve collapse and obstruction. The implants offer stability to his nasal valve and lateral nasal wall, offering him instant breathing relief, without changing the appearance of his nose.
Inspire implant for OSA
Approximately 20% of American adults suffer from sleep apnea — a sleeping disorder so crippling that it can put a person’s life in danger. Chris was dealing with sleep apnea for more than 5 years and was not getting a good night’s sleep, which was affecting his energy level, awareness, time with his daughter, and even resulting in a car accident.
Dr Weeks suggested Inspire implant for OSA – the newest form of technologically advanced treatment for obstructive sleep apnea. The treatment involves surgically installing a stimulator that senses the patient’s breathing at night, stimulates a selective branch of the nerves that make the tongue stick out, and moves the tongue out of the way out of the airway while timing it out with breathing.
Award Winning

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